The range of viewpoints in the media and on the Web would be translated into a diversity of thoughts and collective wisdom.
Every year Apple has announced updated iPods in the fall, and every year the media has weighed in with a collective yawn.
Moreover those writings, which resemble performance arts, are collective composition by writers, readers, the media and critics under the influence of consumerism.
What might other discourses, media, and art forms offer in such a project of collective memory?
Do you think the history and culture is the main reason for Chinese media to report news from collective Angle?
Erbland suggests three things that may just help turn our collective online frown upside down: "better movies, better discussion and maybe less time on social media."
Erbland suggests three things that may just help turn our collective online frown upside down: "better movies, better discussion and maybe less time on social media."