Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education.
It's reported that, in general, people with college education can make more money than those without.
Who helped Zhang Yu complete her college education?
More grandparents would testify that they had to pay for their grandchild's expensive college education.
Questioning the value of a college education seems a bit like questioning the value of happiness, or fun.
A college education will enable me to specialize in a certain field of knowledge, such as medicine or law, preparing me to become a professional.
It can be used to save for college education or favorite things. Maybe you will find it's harder to use money you made than that your parents gave you!
Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool.
Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality. But when it comes to my college education, I am an idealist and a fool.
We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yet strangely we worry when we see families investing so much in this supposedly essential good.
For the past several decades, it seems there's been a general consensus on how to get ahead in America: Get a college education, find a reliable job, and buy your own home.
He worked at three schools to pay for his college education.
After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition, because there was no extra money set aside for a college education.
I think our pre-college education system is generally not great in sort of the world scale.
Admittedly, a college education demands pretty hefty costs upfront.
In 1963, I stopped my college education and enlisted in the United States Army.
I want to be able to pay for a significant part of my child's college education.
Don't get me wrong: I value things like a college education and mathematical brilliance.
"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me.
Without their help, the price of a college education would be even higher than it is currently.
Young Latinos, more than all youth in the U.S., are sold on the benefits of a college education.
Most of the students who curse the college education system are, in an impolite manner, rubbish.
Sometimes when I chat with my classmates, many of them will blame the drawbacks of college education.
Urethritis: Once Kennedy recovered from jaundice, he resumed his college education at Harvard University.
尿道炎 :肯尼迪黄疸病一康复,就在哈佛大学再次接受大学教育。
Judy earned money for her college education by slinging hash in a fast-food restaurant during the summer.
Rational families compare the likely improved earnings capacity from a college education with its costs.
Wu: College education is not intended to equip students with skills for a specific enterprise or industry only.
This leads to inadequately trained high-school graduates, and has a bearing on the quality of college education.
Both views that college education can be a solution to everything and that going to college is meaningless are incorrect.
Both views that college education can be a solution to everything and that going to college is meaningless are incorrect.