When the collision Regulations begin to apply to the encountered vessels is of very importance either for collision avoidance at sea of for collision liability division.
Your existing auto policy may be all you need if it includes third-party liability, collision and comprehensive coverage for rentals most do!
This thesis mainly discussed the question of limitation of liability for oil pollution caused by ship collision in China.
Collision of ship is one of the risks ship suffers. It will bring about liability for damages which is usually covered in the hull liability insurance.
It expounds how the intervening clause to affect the causation of the liability of compensation for ships collision.
If the collision is caused by the fault of one of the vessels, liability to make good the damages attaches to the one which has committed the fault.
Article 2 For the trial of a case of ship collision dispute, the compensation liability on the ships in collision shall be determined according to Chapter VIII of the Maritime Law.
Prof. Zhao Jinsong, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PhD in Maritime Collision and Liability, University of Southampton, British.
Prof. Zhao Jinsong, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PhD in Maritime Collision and Liability, University of Southampton, British.