I've used Color Overlay to lighten it up.
Open the Layer Properties and change the Color Overlay.
The goal is to create a clean white model with some color overlay to express a project potential.
Check out this tutorial I put together a while ago if you have no idea what I mean by "color overlay".
All of the illustrations for this project are going to have a slightly warmer palette so I am going to add an orange color overlay.
Follow the images below for the Settings of the Layer Style. We will be using Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss and Color Overlay.
Next is scaling the silhouette and positioning it to the front cover; with the right amount of Drop Shadow, Color Overlay and Inner Shadow, I you can fake the effect of imprint.
Scale and position the layer to match the existing versions of the model, then give it a Color Overlay with an off-black from your colour palette and set the blending mode to Screen.
For Gradient Overlay, change the left color stop to a dark blue, #0f2557 and the right color stop to a lighter blue, #245293 .
在渐变叠加中,改变颜色为深蓝色 #0f2557和浅蓝色 #245293 。
Or, you can tune the color palette and transparency of the VNC display and overlay parts of it with local graphics.
Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Stroke to add photo border, which is the characteristic of a Polaroid photo.
Finally, set the blend mode of the colorized layer to "Overlay". This will help blend the color into the image and let the darker line work underneath show through.
Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Bevel and Emboss to give it three-dimensional appearance.
As you can see the image after applying blur at Overlay mode layer has nicer mood because of contrast and filtered color flow.
I take the paintbrush tool, select a red-brown color, and paint over the line using Overlay in the Options box.
NEXT... I take the paintbrush tool, select a red-brown color, and paint over the line using Overlay in the Options box.
NEXT... I take the paintbrush tool, select a red-brown color, and paint over the line using Overlay in the Options box.