Color space conversion from YUV to RGB circuit design is introduced in this paper.
In fact, the color space conversion is expensive and unnecessary except when saving an actual JPEG file.
New methods for color space conversion of digital color paper printer and its color gamut calculation are proposed.
New methods for color space conversion of digital color paper printer and its color gamutcalculation were proposed.
A modified model of color space conversion is presented based on analyzing the color rendering principle of scanning object and the causes of color error.
Color space conversion: The color space conversion with three-dimensional lookup table (3d LUT) method and artificial neural network (ANN) method is studied.
The theory and implementation methods of color space conversion based on FPGA are studied, and an improved logic architecture with "time division multiple" is presented.
The experimental results show that the modified model can improve color space conversion accuracy compared with mainstream equations which have relative high conversion accuracy.
After automatic conversion, the unconverted PDF element, such as unrecognized color space or images, creates an XML comment in the XFDL.
在自动转换后,未转换的PD f元素(例如无法识别的颜色空间或图像)将用XFDL创建xml注释。
Due to the nonlinear of the conversion from the RGB color space to the XYZ color space, we need establish a nonlinear conversion relation.
This article introduced the image fusion algorithms of gray-scale-based images, color-space conversion and transformation domain respectively.
This article introduced the image fusion algorithms of gray-scale-based images, color-space conversion and transformation domain respectively.