If your colorist pulls out a crochet hook and a plastic cap, reschedule with someone else.
These pulsating oil paintings made it abundantly clear that Turner wasn't just a water colorist.
The designer, colorist, and art director are all different roles. They break each role apart into specialties.
I am mostly a colorist and I believe that abstractions with some narrative content are the most interest to me.
Put the X-Men, and women, in evening dress instead of uniform and try to tell them apart before the colorist gets to them.
When my college boyfriend dumped me out of nowhere, I went straight to my colorist and told him to make me 'breakup blond.'
He'd also begun to gain a reputation as a talented water colorist, specializing in topographical and architectural pictures.
The colorist called the color "chocolate with yellow brown touches" which right away sounded perfect, especially with her French accent.
We asked celebrity colorist and blonde expert rick Wellman of Patrick Melville Salon in New York what it takes to get the perfect blonde hair color — and he should know!
The colorist is the person who knows at once how to analyze a color, when it sees it in nature, and can say, for instance: that green-grey is yellow with black and blue, etc.
Take a cue from Kelly Ripa, who added ashy-blond strands to her soft caramel base color. To get the same effect with brown hair, ask your colorist for hazelnut or amber highlights.
Take a cue from Kelly Ripa, who added ashy-blond strands to her soft caramel base color. To get the same effect with brown hair, ask your colorist for hazelnut or amber highlights.