The orange colour shows up well against most backgrounds.
Their colour gradually shifts from red to orange to yellow.
Most tigers are orange with black stripes or a pale colour with brown stripes.
According to colour psychologists, orange is associated with reassurance and warmth - perfect for a small person's bedroom.
Salmon is a bad name for a lovely colour which I'd call coral pink mixed with orange, one of the best colours to add some zest to a dark mix.
The animation uses a "hot metal" colour scale that begins at dark red and progresses through orange and yellow to white at the highest levels of activity.
A kid will try to paint the most loved and dearest creature to him with the same colour he paints himself. Energetic and restless usually choose warm and hot colours – crimson and orange.
The floor boards are oak that used to be stained an orange colour but I sanded them and put Swedish floor soap on them to give them a light Scandinavian look.
Orange is the bright, warm colour of leaves in autumn.
The colour is strong red and orange, and this is the key to make thin skin membrane look transparent when lit from behind.
Use 0.1M standard NaOH solution titrant to titrate the solution from red colour to orange.
From the amazon jungle of inspiration, tropical rainforest theme colour included from soil and brown to bright orange and green sea blue wait for all sorts of color.
Orange tint. Colour of certain white wines, which appear somewhat orange by reflected light.
The second staircase, orange in colour, leads to the master bedroom. It is more subtly hued and features a corner window with views of London's skyline.
Most tigers are not orange with black stripes or a pale colour with brown stripes.
Orange red: orange red makes a person remember autumnal fructification so this kind of colour has very thick nature flavor appropriate apply can make the bedroom has a kind of red-blooded feeling.
Orange red: orange red makes a person remember autumnal fructification so this kind of colour has very thick nature flavor appropriate apply can make the bedroom has a kind of red - blooded feeling.
What colour are your ties? Our ties are orange.
Like Hillary, she had a penchant for colour blocking often opting for all-in-one shades of cornflower blue and orange.
Bright red is the common colour but there are the occasional orange specimens and more rarely some purple animals.
Orange is a stimulating, lively colour, it offers freedom and emotional release.
There're many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.
The colour can be divided into the white and yellow, redness, orange, green and blue and seven colours become light.
Made from 100% botrytis infected Riesling grapes. Pale straw colour with a bouquet of lime juice and orange peel. The botrytis contributes cumquat marmalade and dried apricot notes.
This weathering steel gives the building a rich orange tone that will continue to change in colour as its ages.
What's your favourite colour? My favourite colour is orange.
The main exterior colour is orange, supplemented in details by lemon yellow, light blue and pink.
The colour nuances in the mix of the bricks, beige, orange and green on a dark shard, are deduced from the bark of pine trees at hand.
The colour nuances in the mix of the bricks, beige, orange and green on a dark shard, are deduced from the bark of pine trees at hand.