The real image size is 112x92, the corresponding column vector face database matrix accumulation of each column.
In this paper, some necessary and sufficient condition about the equivalence of two column vector groups has been discussed.
A new method based on column vector average of the autocorrelation matrix without eigendecomposition is presented to estimate the channel vector.
It's just something to remember: if you have a square matrix times a column vector, the product that makes sense is with the matrix on the left, and the vector on the right.
But it is very difficult to compute the number of non-negative matrix with fixed score row or column vectors, so to compute the number of tournament matrix with fixed score vector is also difficult.
We then use this vector to set the column headings of the JTable.
One thing that can be confusing about R's "everything is a vector" approach is that row-wise and column-wise operations may not adhere to your intuition.
关于R的 “所有东西都是向量”方式,容易引起混乱的一点是行操作和列操作可能不符合直觉。
This article analyzes a few profound concepts, such as companion matrix, line vector, column rector, orthogonal matrix, and recommend many qualities, which are difficult to grasp for many students.
In training phase, singular value vector of a lot of face image information matrix from face image sets constitutes face image sets characteristic matrix as a column.
A times x, when I multiply a matrix by a vector, I get a combination of the column.
This paper reports a kind of two-dimensional combined vector hydrophone of resonant-column type in which a piezoelectric accelerometer are used as are sensing element.
Firstly, the principles and characteristics about column type vector hydrophone are studied in this paper.
First summarizes the differences on principle between two kinds of parallel algorithm of matrix-vector multiplication, namely, divided by row and divided by column.
First summarizes the differences on principle between two kinds of parallel algorithm of matrix-vector multiplication, namely, divided by row and divided by column.