The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance.
My idea would be to combine that with careful oversight, a strong organizational culture, and make sure the goals that you use are going to be constructive and not significantly harm the organization.
The researchers studying moving rocks, well, they combine their knowledge of rocks with knowledge of wind, ice and such.
They often create some unique sports activities and combine sports with entertainment perfectly.
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
His great achievement was to combine an emotional spark with computer technology, and make the resulting product feel personal.
Sleeping pills combine with alcohol to produce a sleepy feeling.
Combine this fact with annual government threats to indiscriminately cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income.
As working from home becomes increasingly common, people are finding it easier to combine parenthood with a full-time career.
This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the highenergy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.
Black fruit flavors combine with herbaceous brambly flavors.
The latest piece of the puzzle is superoxide, an oxygen molecule that may combine with light-sensitive proteins to form an in-eye compass, allowing birds to see Earth's magnetic field.
Because cholesterol can't travel alone through the bloodstream, it has to combine with certain proteins.
A program that doesn't combine with others isn't a utility; it's an application.
NIEM sub-schemas easily combine with state and industry sub-schemas because they reside in their own namespaces.
NIEM 子模式很容易与州和行业子模式组合在一起,因为它们有自己的名称空间。
Demographic and epidemiological transitions now combine with nutritional and behavioural transitions to create ominous new trends.
We now need to look further to see how exactly this happens and how this may combine with potential difficulties in attention.
Extra power for the European Parliament will combine with majority voting to make it harder for dissenting countries to restrain others.
Both are big commodities traders, but that business could suffer if they decide to combine with a big bank.
When you burn a hydrocarbon fuel such as oil, its hydrogen and carbon atoms combine with oxygen from the atmosphere to create water and carbon dioxide.
There are many ways this might be done, but for a first experiment Dr Wong proposes zapping dust in the atmosphere with powerful lasers, to release electrons that can then combine with CO2.
There are many ways this might be done, but for a first experiment Dr Wong proposes zapping dust in the atmosphere with powerful lasers, to release electrons that can then combine with co 2.
The process is simple: you take a known image - called the memory peg - and combine with the element you want to memorize.
Organized into faculties, it focuses on all the many support resources that combine with textbooks in an educational setting.
Seemingly without prejudice, carbon atoms will combine with almost any other element to form the more complicated building blocks of life.
One of the strengths of SCA is its ability to combine with a wide variety of fine-grained component models that are used to implement coarse-grained service components.
The sugars in these foods combine with the bacteria normally in the mouth to form acids.
The sugars in these foods combine with the bacteria normally in the mouth to form acids.