This product is featured in greenness, safety, convenience and long combustion time.
Moreover, burn time to also affect the burnable full, combustion time is short hard full combustion.
The paper introduces a new method of measuring combustion time with CAT technique for solid rocket engine.
The total flaming combustion time may not exceed 250 seconds for the 10 flame applications for each set of 5 specimens.
A new modified model for volatile combustion time related to temperature, particle size, and reaction mechanisms was proposed.
The coke combustion rate is also faster and combustion time is shorter if the particle size is smaller, which is favorable to combustion.
When burning smokeless tasteless, has the light blue flame, does not have any supplement, the combustion time for ordinary original ebon coal 3 times (3-4 hour).
燃烧时无烟无味,有浅蓝色火苗,没有任何添加物,燃烧时间为普通原木树炭的3倍(3 - 4小时)。
Using a home-made constant-volume oxygen-bomb combustion apparatus, the change of gas pressure with combustion time of coal samples in oxygen-bomb were investigated.
在自制的定容氧弹燃烧装置上, 测量了多种煤样在氧弹内燃烧期间气体压力随燃烧时间变化的关系。
The calculated results with this model are in agreement with the experimental data, and it can be used to predict the volatile combustion time for the high temperature region.
The effect of combustion conditions on burning-out time and maximum burning rate is researched.
The study also shows that the ignition and combustion of boron particle lie on the resorting time and the environment temperature, and have no direct relationship with after-burning chamber's length.
"If we did it purely for profitability, we wouldn't be doing it," said Lutz, who predicts that even in a decade's time, at least 90% of cars sold will still be powered by internal combustion.
In traditional ways, the optimal air coal ratio is obtained by solving combustion function and finding out the extremum, which is time consuming and unreliable.
On the study of combustion process of internal combustion engines, the combustion process is usually studied in the time region.
Computation shows that the spinning of SRM makes the pressure in combustion chamber high, action time short and the pressure descending stage long.
As such, they require a relatively long amount of time to achieve combustion in the engine when it restarts.
The effect of hydrogen on methane combustion and ignition temperature, burning rate and burnout time are discussed through analyzing the calculated results.
Study shows that particle diameter, oxygen and temperature of combustion environment play an important role on burnout or time for burnout of coal.
The control of auto-ignition time and heat release rate is the most difficult technical question in realizing HCCI combustion.
It is difficult to have good performance for chain boiler combustion control system due to large delay time, varying coal's quality and steam load.
The large-capacity fuel tank ensures continuous operation of the unit for a long time. Efficient combustion system to ensure that the ultra-low fuel consumption.
Physicochemical properties and combustion mechanism of boron are introduced. Long ignition delay time and low combustion efficiency are due to the properties of boron itself.
The practical result indicated that the additive produced form black liquor has longer effective time, good combustion effect and obvious economic benefit.
The important alternative way to increase heating capacity is to use single BF gas as main fuel and at same time adopt other auxiliary combustion systems.
That does not mean that literal combustion takes place every time we say something against our neighbors.
The influence of fuel gases concentration and ambient temperature on combustion velocity and time are studied.
It shows that time intervals of coal particle ignition and oil combustion in the com droplets overlap with each other.
It is shown that with the change of condition parameters in SHS process various time space order combustion waves appear.
It is shown that with the change of condition parameters in SHS process various time space order combustion waves appear.