When it comes to eating smart for your heart, thinking about short-term fixes and simplify life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.
If there is a bright side, it is that these Numbers may force policymakers to reconsider a housing-policy approach that has clearly come up short.
Yet the science of climate change has seemed to be derailed by climate gate and the discovery of some errors in IPCC reports, even the gravest of which come far short of undermining its conclusions.
They come in two types, long and short, with the former the most common and thought to be caused by the core-collapse of a supernova.
The advisory group seems to have come up short on practical ways to do this, to the severe disappointment, it is said, of George Soros, a global financier and one of the group's better-known members.
Eight photos and nine short videos come loaded on the Acer Aspire.
Your team members will have to agree on a date and time when little or no damage can come from having your site down for a short period.
The short chapters really come into their own here: you can look up any particular task, such as "quick finds in the current directory."
Symbian has come a long way in a short period of time, but the foundation still has plenty of work to do if it wants to retain Symbian's historical dominance.
Pencil in those random appointments that come up on short notice, and can be cancelled at short notice!
This is a loose collection of users who come together for a short- or long-term effort.
If the problem is big enough, or you think others might encounter a similar situation, call a short meeting to discuss and come up with solutions.
And I've also learned not to save things, why bother, life is short, you might never come back and there are plenty of routes; crack on!
Peter Buffett brilliantly put it in his book ‘Life Is What You Make It’ when he said, “If, in the many facets of life at which we are destined to be average, we come up a little short, so what?
As an enterprise persistence technology, JDBC come up somewhat short in that it leaves all the responsibility of managing concurrency and data integrity to the developer or database.
Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
America, in short, will come face to face with a country that might become its greatest rival in the 21st century.
They include, in short, most of the plants that come to mind when one thinks of vegetation.
Spain, for one, is painted a nasty red on all the maps showing where water will be short come 2050.
Unfortunately, even if we're measuring productivity accurately -- and it's not clear we are -- it's hard to come up with solutions that raise productivity in the short run.
The fruits of the project may take decades to come, but politicians are more often accused of excessive short-termism.
When it comes to shares, what goes up does not always come down-at least in the short term.
So, expect that things will go wrong but don't focus on short term difficulties that come up. They won't be what you remember about your holiday.
The problem for European business, in short, is that silver linings come with dark clouds attached.
It's easy to be against things, and much harder to come up with good alternatives, especially when time is short and the need keeps growing.
This approach to coding to a deadline is short-sighted and will come back to haunt us later.
This approach to coding to a deadline is short-sighted and will come back to haunt us later.