I'm not getting married in a hurry—I'm waiting for Mr Right to come along.
As the British zookeeper who discovered virgin births in Komodos put it, rather like buses, you wait for ages and then loads of them come along all at once.
Come along with me, boys, you are keeping everybody waiting.
"Come along in, and have some lunch," he said, diplomatically, "and we'll talk it over."
Come along, old chap, and I'll ask the widow to let up on you a little, Huck.
"All right, come along, if you care so much," he said, taking her by the hand.
When I have a long drive near the end of the day, I sometimes go past my home to tell my two little children I'll be home soon, and they always want to come along in my car.
Whenever the exam season comes, stress may come along.
A successful entrepreneur copes with whatever problems come along, and there are sure to be plenty of them.
Almost certainly not. But it’s fun to play along, so close your eyes, put on your imagination cap and come along with us.
Who knows when the next ones will come along.
Delaying the condition could also ease the emotional burden and problems that come along with it, for both patients and their families, he said.
The changelings select carefully, for such opportunities might come along only once a decade or so.
So why on earth should theory come along and say Well there's sort of a problem with communication?
The journalism of sight and sound is the only truly new form of journalism to come along.
These pockets of time generally come along with feelings of boredom or frustration.
(Laughter.) There are great orators that have come along in the world history who have been charlatans.
So to some extent the stage was set for a great novelist to come along -the question was, who would it be?
A golden ladder appears at her window and Grandma Annie invites the girl to come along on a magical journey.
What's the best type of boat for you - and family and friends who may come along?
In a perfect world, Napster wouldn't have come along.
Fiona had waited years for her prince charming to come along and rescue her from a life of monotony.
Rather than coalescing freed chunks, leave them at their current sizes in hopes that another request for the same size will come along soon.
Instead the researchers hypothesize that maybe the babies who are breastfed are better at regulating their intake of food once solids come along.
Well, that bus isn't going to come along for several hours, and you're getting wet standing here.
I see nothing except to wait for the next train, which will come along some time within twenty-four hours.
I see nothing except to wait for the next train, which will come along some time within twenty-four hours.