I received the last you sent on by the merest chance, and after considerable delay through being inland; or I might have come sooner.
The hypotheses about Leos' intestines and Sagittarians' arms were less than 5% likely to have come about by chance, satisfying the usual standards of proof of a relationship.
There is no chance of the gap being filled by rising demand in rich countries: carmakers agree that nearly all their future growth will come from emerging markets, such as China, Brazil and India.
As the years went by he was to be found seldom in the ways of men. He could be tempted to come out of his house only by a game of chess or the chance of an argumont.
Every year that goes by with extremely high unemployment increases the chance that many of the long-term unemployed will never come back to the work force, and become a permanent underclass.
They were two separate human beings who had come from-and were heading toward-entirely different places. By chance, they had spent some years of life together-that was all.
Dr Klimentidis reckons the odds of his data having come about by chance are about one in 10m for the weight gain and three in 1m for the rise in obesity.
Along these lines a quote that has always resonated with me is one by Abraham Lincoln. He said "I will prepare, and some day my chance will come."
31then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
It is a chance to come to terms with the existential fragility that is overlooked in most of our waking hours and that must be faced even by the greatest among us.
Although not all you expectations are going to come to pass, you give yourself an infinitely better chance of succeeding by taking the proper steps.
A thousand useless things happen day after day, and why couldn't such a thing come true by chance?
Many more examples could be mentioned, but to come to the point: By chance, this concertgoer is a competent music connoisseur.
The importance of these northeastern cities, both as ports and as hubs of manufacturing, did not simply come about by chance.
It is not by chance for one-man company to come into being, but with profound basis of reality.
If, by any chance, he failed to come, we'll ask John to work the machine.
The winner, which is selected by a jury of well-known experts, has the chance to come to Munich and discuss his ideas with the developers of BMW during a BMW activity weekend.
They see it as a chance to demonstrate their superiority to all other factions for the first time in history, by brilliantly and courageously shining in the exciting battles about to come.
Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final product. So I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that.
We come to know many people either in the way of business or by mere chance -say, having been at the same table at a dinner party.
We come to know many people either in the way of business or by mere chance -say, having been at the same table at a dinner party.