You can always bargain here, but goods tend to come and go quickly so if you like it, buy it now!
In other words, this expression has been around a long time. It's not one of those slang expressions that come and go quickly with some passing fad.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go... Some stay for a while and embrace our silent dreams.
Apps, or what you hear more often in China is A-P-P, quickly come and quickly go.
应用程序在中国通常被称为A - P - P,往往是迅速窜红,又马上过气。
I am a He Chen, adopted father Wu En approaches of accepted son, this time come is apt come to inspect the go here, also tread aside not ugg rapidly and quickly!
And let young Hawkins go at once to say goodbye to his mother, and then come quickly to Bristol with Redruth.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for a while and leave their footprints on our hearts, and we never, ever the same.
Just one go out is to blow the cold wind has come, quickly remove thin coat and put on thick coats, walk into the world of winter.
And let young Hawkins go at once to say goodby to hellos mother, and then come quickly to Bristol with Redruth.
And yes, you are going to have old issues that are going to come up, but then, as we spoke previously about the measure of mastery, you are going to see that you can quickly surrender and let them go.
Can go a half, my mother said you went to go do the Peak road, I said it, do not, and has come to the cliff side valley, just, I go quickly.
Can go a half, my mother said you went to go do the Peak road, I said it, do not, and has come to the cliff side valley, just, I go quickly.