The myth also reminds us that these advances have come at a price: as a punishment for Prometheus' crime, the gods created Pandora, and they gave her a box filled with evils and curses.
The power and flexibility of JXTA come at a price: complexity.
There are some things worth having, but they come at a price, and I want to be.
Rapid industrialization has come at a price: Oil demand has increased more than three times since 1980.
When he is taken off a case involving an unidentified corpse, he discovers that legalization has come at a price.
User interface standards provide benefits that address these issues when executed appropriately, although they come at a price.
The benefits provided by the aggregation do come at a price; there is additional overhead associated with creating and maintaining the aggregating documents.
Because the storage savings features in Lotus Domino 8.5 provide such significant savings, you might wonder if they come at a price on your Lotus Domino servers.
因为LotusDomino 8.5中的存储节省功能提供的节省十分明显,您可能想知道这是否会对您的Lotus Domino服务器带来一些影响。
These features come at a price, in the form of lower monthly income, notes Judith Alexander, director of sales and marketing at annuity consultants Beacon Research.
灯塔研究(Beacon Research )的销售和市场总监朱迪斯亚历山大(Judith Alexander )如是说。
Dr Moller's and Dr Mousseau's result shows that the bright reds and yellows of carotenoid-based plumage really do come at a price, and thus indicate underlying health.
Recently my game-playing — I’ve also been obsessed with Carcassonne on the iPad (getting close to the global top 100 list!) — has been obsessive, and has come at a price.
By the sweat of your brow, shall you get bread to eat. So knowledge or wisdom or perhaps moral freedom seems to come at a very high price.
It’ll require record labels and artists to come together and figure out a way to give fans the music they want and at a price they can afford.
相反, 真正需要各大音乐厂牌和艺员们一起商讨的议题应该是:如何为乐迷们提供他们真正需要的音乐,以及如何以乐迷们能够接受的价格出售这些歌曲。
At the same time, assessing the complexity of the solution will help you come up with a high-level estimate on the price of the solution that you will propose to the client.
Higher productivity in agriculture will come at the price of even more people leaving the land for urban areas-perhaps 8m-10m a year, for whom jobs will need to be found.
This has turned out to be essentially correct, but progress has come at a high price.
Bandits supply these markets with phones that come with the superficial look and feel of brand-name handsets but at a fraction of the price.
Yet surprisingly, no one has come in to undercut them and offer a comparable product at half the price.
Cells with a growth advantage expand faster and dominate. However, this can come at the price of genetic mutation, so growing fast is not always desirable.
These would form a proto-currency that would trade at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation-a shadow price of the devaluation to come.
The rises come at time when many Londoners face a pay freeze and the retail price index is running at -1.4%, and on top of a 6% increase in fares this year.
在涨价政策出台的同时,很多伦敦市民正面临囊中羞涩的艰辛,零售物价指数更是达到了- 1.4%。而在此之前,公共交通费用今年已经上涨了6%。
That I think is a real virtue but it can come at the price of demanding short term accountability.
Profit would come from selling a lot of them cheaply, not servicing a few at a great price.
I may come back, because the price is a little high, a litle expensive, so I'm gonna go look around at a couple of places.
The zinc batteries will likely come at a premium and Apple has had a knack for getting its fan base to look beyond price points.
The ordinary 'horseless carriage' is at present a luxury for the wealthy; and although its price will probably fall in the future, it will never, of course, come into as common use as the bicycle.
But it has come at a heavy price in depleted natural resources, a damaged environment and scrupulously disrespected property rights.
But it has come at a heavy price in depleted natural resources, a damaged environment and scrupulously disrespected property rights.