Fearful of an exodus of talent from Wall Street, the us is reluctant to come down hard on bankers.
I'm sorry, Milwaukee, to come down hard on you, but no one in the NBA wants to play in Milwaukee.
Mr Vatikiotis is more sanguine, arguing that it is not really in America’s interest to come down hard on mediators.
Whilst the referee was duty bound to come down hard on those who were involved, the actual incident amounted to nothing.
The grass had twitched out of grip as he swung, and he had grabbed for it, and the cleaver had come down hard on his extended finger.
The time in Pisces allows you to reflect and decide what really matters to you deep down on a spiritual level before you take action working hard to make those dreams come true.
The time in Pisces allows you to reflect and decide what really matters to you deep down on a spiritual level before you take action working hard to make those dreams come true.