Pliability and tranquillity are not the outcome of conflict; they come into being with understanding and understanding comes with self-knowledge.
After the eighties, with the liberation of ideology and the rethinking of culture, the image of hooligan proletarian has come into being with large quantities.
According to the results above, in the northern China, especially in droughty and desert regions, the atmospheric aerosol mainly comes from the sand which is come into being with the dust weather.
However, he said, it was obviously being shed from the wild animal, and someone could come into contact with it while the live animal was being handled.
Abortion has come to dominate her life, carving it into two blocks that are so wildly at odds with each other that it is hard to imagine them being squeezed into the same human frame.
In some instances, human interaction with technology is required for the artwork to come into being.
Q: We found that each year Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi starts his overseas trip with Africa. When did this tradition come into being?
Incidents with oil spills harm many sea birds, this has encouraged societies to come into being, whose aim is to save the birds.
Recently, a new concept "environmental image" has come into being and become an important criterion with which to evaluate a city.
With the increasing of the need for VOD service on IP Network, many technologies about VOD on LAN have come into being.
With the proliferation of films and television programs in recent years, a certain kind of group called "Bug Finder" has come into being.
She once said: every day to come into contact with a group of innocent children is a well-being.
Once you not staying with me, I miss you very much, and love knot come into being naturally.
With the longest road trip of the season coming at the end, it will be vital for Los Angeles to come into the trip with a strong sense of confidence in being able to win games.
Under new circumstances, with the evolution of culture, new trends in the evolution of crimes have come into being.
Iron ion and chromium ion with single electron can absorb the visible light and come into being color.
But that being said, there are some specific differences that come into play because we are dealing with mothers of infants here.
It was not haphazard that come into being the phenomenon, because people thinking changed with regard -drink transforming regard-food after Mid Western Zhou period.
On the other hand , with the social groupings'ceaseless expeditions and the defense system's gradually complication, quadrate or rectangular city-wall has come into being.
Various schools of pedagogy have gradually come into being, with the chief ones being those methods of teaching through emotional impression, induction and exploration of students' potential ability.
Destiny with the hidden face decreed that I should come into being, play my little part, and pass again into silence.
Its function is to connect the oil supply system and the emergency trip system with servo unit, and then makes them come into being a loop.
The dynamic balance measuring technology is come into being along with the manufacture and use of the rotating machinery.
The result showed that quality style was different obviously with the same appearance quality, so the various tobacco characteristics come into being.
Bank and corporation come into being agreement with financing of receivables' impawn.
It is not by chance for one-man company to come into being, but with profound basis of reality.
A new design environment was come into being based on the effects of visual culture's turning, lifestyle influenced by digital technique and the new relationship with others.
With the acceleration of globalization and the advancement of the science and technology revolution, the global spatial system of technology has gradually come into being.
With the acceleration of globalization and the advancement of the science and technology revolution, the global spatial system of technology has gradually come into being.