In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top.
The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it's as important to be "successful" in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.
Still, if Yahoo and AOL were to partner in some way, Armstrong could come out on top.
Here are some effective Pointers to help you come out on top in the negotiation process.
Italy, China, Spain and France come out on top, possessing 51, 48, 44 and 41, respectively.
It will be a good footballing game but hopefully we come out on top and get all three points.
However, the most meeting between these old foes in a final saw United once again come out on top.
You have to try and win every one and we won't need any incentives to come out on top in this one.
Unremitting efforts and pursuit through eight years, the company has come out on top in the industry.
South Korea, Denmark and Sweden come out on top, whereas India, Egypt and Indonesia wind up at the bottom.
Oh, you're always saying that, but you still mange to come out on top in all the tests we have, don't you?
Yeah, now don't read that have come out on top of the day, even some college students have no work right now.
If they engage with Fate at all, it is in a very uplifting way for it is always their Fate to come out on top.
Veenhoven's research shows that Scandinavian nations come out on top, making up five of the 13 happiest nations.
While opinion is divided, Mrs Clinton is largely thought to have come out on top in Sunday's debate in St Louis.
There are lots of people who can hang with the young kids who are considered "in their prime" and come out on top.
I would be far happier if we had been at home, but if we match their work-rate I'm positive we can come out on top.
Where those who come out on top, in terms of income and wealth are taxed in a way that benefits the least well off members of society.
It's probably safe to say that both he and Martin figured the vegetarian diet would come out on top, but demonstrating that wasn't easy.
Some workers say they have climbed up through the clouds and come out on top with their heads in the clear and their legs still in fog.
We are convinced that in the near future, we will come out on top in this field, and become the leading car, motorcycle electronics suppliers.
The ones who come out on top are the ones who refuse to give up despite the inevitable trials and tribulations they face throughout the process.
While it's impossible to predict who will come out on top, growth will inevitably slow as more challengers take a piece of thee-commerce market.
Keep in mind that most of this difficulty stems from maintaining a balance between facts and fantasy. Know which is which and you will come out on top.
While Apple may have the most-hyped phones and tablets on the market, Redmond's software giant still has a number of areas where its products come out on top.
Think of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother as a well-timed taunt aimed at our own complacent sense of superiority, our belief that America will always come out on top.
Take Michael Jordan, it's easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.
Take Michael Jordan, it's easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.