I didn't know yet how to judge distance, and when a big truck came near it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me.
It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you type.
If my goals come into conflict with your goals, reason tells me that I must either thwart your goals, or give up caring about mine; but reason cannot tell me to favor one choice over the other.
ANDREW: He wanted me to come over and watch "Star Trek" with him.
It gave me a place to talk about theconcerns for my family, the things that don't come up over pizza in thecommon room or by a keg in someone's backyard.
She and I didn’t resolve our situation, but she did agree to come visit me over the Christmas holidays.
And then, at some stage, he'll come back to the things we share now, just as I have come back to the things my father Shared with me; and the cycle will start all over again.
So, this is a vending machine for crows, and over the past few days, many of you have been asking me, how did you come to this? How did you get started doing this?
The whole time, even though my head told me it was over, my heart had been secretly waiting for her to come back.
Later I started going over the details in my head and it suddenly struck me - Oh my God! - he promised to come back and pick me up on the other side of the motorway.
More than one of my friends have complained to me that when they come over to my apartment, I just scream out come in.
Although she said it'd be all right for me to come over alone, I feel it's the least I could do as husband, that is, to be by her side and to take of care her after the baby arrives.
Come, let me lead thee ramparted Uruk, To the holy Temple, abode of Anu and Ishtar, Where lives Gilgamesh, accomplished in strength and like a wild ox lords it over the folk.
M:Good morning, I’m Jim Green.My father asked me to come over and see you about a vacation job。
As I heard it later from Clarissa, Parry had come over to her to introduce himself, then turned away to follow me down the hill.
M: Li Hua, I think you are the only one who is bothered by that. Well, this is our stop. Do you still want to come over to my messy apartment? Give me a straight answer.
我才不信只有我一个人批评你把屋子弄得乱七八糟。不管你家乱不乱,我当然得去呀,我的书还在你那里嘛! 今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to rip off,意思是受骗,上当;另一个是:straightanswer,意思是坦率,老实的回答。 这次《流行美语》就到此结束,我们下次再见。
So left. Had wanted to come over ang good. But let me take the biggest regret to leave. My heart hurts so much, do you understand?
Chu sun from changsha come over, he would like to meet you, tease me to your phone. Small demon tone serious, don't like joking.
"Why don't you come over with me to-day?" she asked.
Can you pursue the photograph of the chart that you discover in the home of Nie Pan first and pass network to spread for me to come over?
Come over and help me with cooking, or are you waiting to be served?
Me, too! Do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place? I'm planning on having a few people over to watch it together.
It has been a very good experience to share our culture with crew members from all over the world and also for me to learn about where they come from too.
Suddenly I move to better appropriate face to come over. In no reaction come over, she kissed me in the face.
Ivy: I don't care. Just come over here and dance with me. The DJ is going to play my favorite song soon.
Come up to me, and bring help, that we may take Gabaon, because it hath gone over to Josue, and to the children of Israel.
Why yI am happy? I have group of friends that come over to celebrate with me. And they give me birthday presents, sometimes the gifts surprised me very much.
But your English sounds pretty good. Perhaps we could train you ourselves. Could you come over to see me this afternoon?
But your English sounds pretty good. Perhaps we could train you ourselves. Could you come over to see me this afternoon?