As more and more examples come to light and modern genetics enters the scene, that principle is having to be rewritten.
But dozens of damning internal Trafigura emails have now come to light.
Mitch: Howard, I just got a call from Helen. A major problem has come to light.
In your case, it's possible that some news about a family matter will come to light.
Much more new evidence has come to light, so the judges have to sentence the man to death.
It is true that these would surely both have come to light during the general election campaign.
Sam, I am sorry to call you, but a major problem with the production line has come to light.
If she were not speechless, and if she could defend herself, her innocence would come to light.
Now a series of diary entries, written by a woman who saw those memorandums, has come to light.
The true test comes hereafter, however, now that the damages to nuclear power plants have come to light.
Do not think it worth while to proceed concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light.
Still, some orthopedic experts say there may be benefits that will come to light through future research.
Some inconsistencies in the present guidelines come to light only after scientists started doing research.
'We think Europe's got many more problems which will come to light,' said Carl George, a manager at Pivot Capital.
Pivot Capital的经理乔治(Carl George)说,我们认为欧洲还将有更多的问题将会暴露出来。
For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.
After cutting the material into slabs, the pebbles come to light in various sizes and different shades of natural colours.
Secrets and supernatural stories come to light, and they must determine if the real threat is inside or outside their enclosure.
A spokesman said the aircraft, whose existence had recently come to light, would be an important addition to Iraq's defence capability.
When he heard of his daughter's wickedness he said:" I can't believe that she did so evil a thing, but the truth will soon come to light.
The narrative part tells a story of how the illegal retention of revenues from power supplies has come to light in a power supply company.
The startling discovery has come to light at Cambridge University, after the glass vessel was put on public display there for the first time.
After your decision is made, new information may come to light suggesting alterations to or the wholesale reversal of your original decision.
Some hidden facts are likely to come to light. Play it smart and they are the truth about a situation in which you have been less than honest.
But the sheer scale of the failings that have come to light recently mean that suspicion and wariness will not vanish so easily this time around.
But the sheer scale of the failings that have come to light recently mean that suspicion and wariness will not vanish so easily this time around.