Holding in the palm cool cool, it soon melted, as if the night of the meteor, holding a beautiful comet tail and disappeared in the distant galaxy.
As the comet gets even nearer to the sun, a solo wind blows the cloud behind the comet, thus forming its tail.
Seen here on June 13th from southern New Mexico, this Comet McNaught's long ion tail sweeps across the telescopic field of view (a negative image is inset).
An alien planet orbits so close to its star that its atmosphere is being blasted away, forming a gaseous, comet-like tail, astronomers announced Thursday.
Comet Hale-Bopp has been spotted beyond the orbit of Neptune, far enough from the sun to be without its dirty tail. John Matson reports.
Comet McNaught's Superlong Tail Promises Flashy show.
The red circle is the orbit of a long period object like a comet. Note the object and its tail.
Morphology: Comet-shaped mass with "tail" in collapsed SLS and "head" in posterior SMS.
He was like some star creature who had drafted in on the tail of a comet and dropped off at the end of her lane.
The tail of a comet, a kite, an aircraft, a procession.
Comet Hale -bopp has been spotted beyond the orbit of Neptune, far enough from the sun to be without its dirty tail. John Matson reports.
But in Pierre's heart that bright comet, with its long, luminous tail, aroused no feeling of dread.
The fan-shaped region that stretches upward from Johnson's nucleus (yellow ball in the middle) represents the dust "tail" of the comet.
All our neighbors went home whistling or humming. Very few remembered to look toward the northwest to see whether the comet and its wicked tail were still around…
Thee annual April Lyrids are only visible as the Earth passes through the tail of the Thatcher Comet towards the end of the month, with the bright streaks of lights being particles from that comet.
每年四月的天琴座流星雨只有该月末地球穿过撒切尔彗星的尾部时才能看到,来自彗星的碎片会化作道道流光。 。
The annual April Lyrids are only visible as the Earth passes through the tail of the Thatcher comet towards the end of the month, with the bright streaks of lights being particles from that comet.
The tail lengths of comet cell of all organs in group treated with high fluoride were increased compared with that of control group (P< 0.05).
The tail lengths of comet cell of all organs in group treated with high fluoride were increased compared with that of control group (P< 0.05).