In January 1938, Comfort Station No. 1 directly operated by the army headquarters was opened at Yangjiazhai in Shanghai.
But it had a 0.3 percent chance of impact and came within about 250 meters of the station-way too close for comfort.
Yesterday, we met in a station of life where we had anxiety of waiting, and sweetness of comfort and help between each other.
Research results: This paper puts forward the analysis and calculation methods, structural requirements, displacement and deflection value and passenger comfort requirements for elevated station.
The comfort level, content of inspiratory particles and noise level show that the environment of subway station with automatic platform gates can satisfy the requirement of the standard.
The station matches in all respects the practicality, capacity, comfort and allure, of the central stations of Madrid, Paris, London and Brussels.
One of the professor's students was at the station. He tried to comfort the professor. "it wasn't really bad, Sir," said the student. "Two out of three caught the train." That's quite good, you know.
One of the professor's students was at the station. He tried to comfort the professor. "it wasn't really bad, Sir," said the student. "Two out of three caught the train." That's quite good, you know.