Pentagon spokesman Williams says those talks are coming along quite well.
It is an engine, on our rails, coming along at a great pace!
How is our presentation about the restructuring of the company coming along?
Just then, the king saw a young girl coming along.
He looked carefully to see how the crops were coming along.
When the Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev, heard that Israel was coming along the road to Atharim, he attacked the Israelites and captured some of them.
住南地的迦南人亚拉得王,听说以色列人从亚他林路来, 就和以色列人争战,掳了他们几个人。
Try them out for yourself and let me know how your new habits are coming along for you.
How's your obedience training coming along?
The rumors haven't become reality but have solidified people's belief of regulations coming along with taxation.
We will be moving to Dallas in January and there might be a new house coming along.
And, as SOAP is a highly popular technology right now, the SOAP APIs for these other languages are coming along very quickly.
And even in America, which has fewer demographic problems than Japan, there are not enough new savers coming along to replace them.
'The expansion is coming along as expected,' he said, dismissing concern about depressed demand.
Food: Sandwiches, fruit, etc. Bring extra snacks if kids are coming along and be sure to stop often to rest and munch.
Now it's transforming our social lives too, and recommendation engines are coming along for the ride.
The page is coming along nicely: It's got some style, and even the text is in the general location that the final images will go.
It's not all that much to go on, but it does suggest that multi-tasking may be coming along down the road for the iPad, and perhaps the iPhone as well.
We have an abundance of renewable energy and there are a lot of visionary technologies coming along so that, in future, the sky's the limit. '.
The attendees, almost 3, 000 every year, run the range of ages from newborns to octogenarians, most of them twins, although not necessarily identical, usually coming along with their families.
Because of the ease of theme installation, blog owners who’d never install untested code on a server are deploying themes on their blogs, not realizing that hidden code is coming along for the ride.
You have Kepler coming along and giving predictions that the far more accurate than any previous attempts.
Even though some serendipitous opportunities slip away, there are always new ones coming along. -rebecca webber.
I'd like to thank everyone for coming along and supporting us today.
We hope to get a fair number of games developers and publishers coming along to talk about and find out more about ARG's.
We hope to get a fair number of games developers and publishers coming along to talk about and find out more about ARG's.