I drove back along the main road for a few yards, turned into a lane and met a car coming the other way.
These are college graduates, so I assume they learned how to write decent English somewhere along the way, but how do I encourage them to do so without coming across as the Grammar Police?
The storms of bad news won't stop coming in the meantime, and we can expect the seas to be choppy along the way.
Along the way, he began serving a hot breakfast to local steelworkers coming off the night shift.
Her dreams are all coming true, including the handsome young man whom she meets along the way.
Most parts of China will experience a rapid drop in temperatures along with snow and rain in the coming days as a strong cold front is on the way to hit.
Along with the coming of the Internet Age, Internet is transforming the lifestyle of everybody in its unique way.
Coming by land, you almost certainly would have walked, sleeping out in the warm August nights along the way.
At about three o 'clock in the afternoon, I was standing at the door of the inn when I saw a blind man coming along the road. He was feeling his way with a stick.
At about three o 'clock in the afternoon, I was standing at the door of the inn when I saw a blind man coming along the road. He was feeling his way with a stick.