If there isn't already one on the page, drop a Tomahawk command button from the palette.
A command button has a command name and allows you to create multiple button controls on a page.
Enable the showing of the footer area for the policy data table so that you can place the command button.
HandleEvent — in the inner class, provides the logic that is invoked when pressing the command button SWT widget.
Add a command button to the policy data table and change the label of the button to "Add New policy" (Figure 16).
向策略数据表中添加命令按钮,并且将按钮的标签改为“AddNewPolicy ”(图16)。
Note that most GUI Tools provide a show command button, which shows you the command that is actually sent to DB2.
Add a command button to the Policy data table and change the label of the button to be SortByPolicyName (Figure 27).
Enable the showing of the footer area for the policy data table so that you can place the command button (Figure 28).
Let's look at the JSP source code that USES a command link and compare it to the source code that USES a command button.
现在让我们来比较一下使用命令链接的JS p源代码和使用命令按钮的源代码。
Click on the Preview command button to see the generated commands for the table paste operation and for adding the new column.
单击p reviewCommand按钮查看所生成的表粘贴操作和增加新字段的命令。
At the same time, the show command button can be used to generate the command and you have the option to save it for later use.
Edit the Faces JSP, and then drag the session bean onto the command button, so that clicking the button triggers the session bean.
On a form, to create or modify a command button that runs a macro, drag the macro from the Database window to form Design view.
The application described here uses a command link to trigger the property transfer, but it is also possible to use a command button.
The application described here USES a command link to trigger the property transfer, but it is also possible to use a command button.
The control may be something simple, such as an application that has a user-command button with a label that changes from release to release.
Find the Tomahawk command button tag in the library definition editor and open the tag Attributes section to see the list of attribute names.
For a form that allows irreversible operations, such as deletions, it's a good idea to make the Cancel button the default command button.
For example, functional testing of a command button can include testing what happens when the button is pushed as well as testing its size, location, and color.
In the case of a normal form submit that occurs when the user clicks a button, the JSF framework would also invoke the action method associated with the command button.
By combining familiar ICONS and visual command gestures, such as clicking a button with a mouse, the computer has become as familiar to most people as the telephone.
From any screen, you can hold down the search button for a few seconds and a voice menu automatically waits for a command.
Since aperture is the main event in aperture priority mode, you may not need to press the aperture button; simply rotate the command dial and look for the changing Numbers in the LCD status screen.
In the example, this command will run forever, or until a condition is met as specified by the next block in our program that waits for the touch sensor's button press.
And you can write your source code in it but to compile something you don't run a command like GCC and then the name of the file, you instead click a button.
In Application Developer, the progress dialog for the Visualize command has a Cancel button (Figure 2), which can be used to abort the command.
In the dialog that is displayed, select the Command - Button icon under Standard Faces Components.
In the dialog that is displayed, select the Command - Button icon under Standard Faces Components.