How to debug application with command line parameter input in Qt with MinGW?
It also takes a command line parameter so you can easily tell it how many loops to execute.
Trace is turned on by specifying any command line parameter to the program when it is invoked.
Action: the action command line parameter is used for specifying the action that you want to perform.
Action: Action命令行参数用于指定您想要执行的操作。
To bypass the retrieval process and just run an XSLT transformation, use the -x command line parameter.
要绕过检索流程且只运行XSLT转换,请使用- x命令行参数。
Tip: Always specify the name of the environment on which you want to execute actions by using the -e command line parameter.
提示:您要一直使用- e命令行参数来指定想要执行环境的名字。
Castor does use a few additional command line parameter options, and supplies even more options through property file Settings.
This message is a structure containing several fields, but appears to the triggered program to be a single command line parameter.
If you haven't already done so, don't forget to delete any trace files and turn off tracing by removing the command line parameter in the batch file.
The program takes the name of a process template as a command line parameter and prints out start times of all of the corresponding process instances.
Using a script template, determine the best technique for providing method parameter values to the script (for example, in a property file or via command line parameters).
Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing windowed mode. This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
By using these scripts, you can build BAR files efficiently and quickly move from one configuration to another by simply changing a parameter in the command line.
I included setting this property in the code for completeness, but it would more commonly be set as a JVM command-line parameter.
Listing 1 applies the regular expression to a command-line parameter.
Passing the file location in as a command-line parameter is the easiest way to configure your code.
Instead of using the command-line parameter to set the account's status, you'll set a string value in the build file, and the task will use the string value to update the status.
The oltpqc code expects a positional parameter on the command line for the alarm threshold.
If the text box feature is disabled, enable it by setting the -setworkspace parameter on the command line.
We simply added the --clear-datastore parameter as a command-line argument that gets passed into our start-up script.
我们只是添加了 --clear-datastore参数作为传递到启动脚本中的命令行实参。
Jstat statistics are sorted into "options" that are specified at the command-line as the first parameter.
The Command line field can contain many options; the example parameter, -B -S 10, compacts databases in-place that have greater than 10 percent white space.
Command line域可以包含许多选项;例如参数-B-S10,表示当数据库有超过10%的空白时进行压缩。
Thus, if we want to turn on the command-line parameter "-compiler.debug", we do so by adding "compiler.debug=’true’" to the task.
因此,如果我们想启用命令行参数"- compiler.debug",就给任务加上一个属性,"compiler.debug='true'"。
The details of passing a parameter to a stylesheet vary, depending on which XSLT processor you're using and how you invoke it. If you're using Xalan's command-line tools, you could add the option.
Its first parameter is the command to send; the second parameter is the full multi-line outputted result.
The file can be loaded in as a resource bundle, or you can pass the name and location of the properties file in as a command-line parameter.
If the same option, parameter, or variable appears in the same command line statement more than one time, the last instance of the option takes precedence.
Added new command line uninstallation parameter. You can remove Bluetooth-stack including all Settings with it.
Appends the command line with a switch that takes a task item specification that ACTS a single string parameter.
Appends the command line with a switch that takes a single string parameter, without attempting to encapsulate the switch parameter with quotation marks.