The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.
He decides to commandeer their room.
The workers on the upper floors of the building commandeer the elevators first.
The organisers set off across London, seeking any open-topped vehicle to commandeer.
The organisers set off across London, seeking any open - topped vehicle to commandeer.
Accordingly, must press its final utility and value will decide commandeer is compensated.
Those doubts will not stop the crowds turning out for him, even if he fails to commandeer the Brandenburg Gate as his backdrop.
Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough. Now scientists worry that someday, they'll try to take over your brain.
Love is not dedication, is not given, but commandeer, is selfish and love yourself is to let the person I love, and not choose all means.
The farmland of commandeer and blame farmland, the document that signs the ground with approval of land government office decides for the basis.
Here, in the almost deserted village, they could commandeer the priest's house and still leave the prisoners something more than a barn or a wall.
A fully grown giant male croc likely would have had to commandeer miles of river territory to regularly find enough prey sustain itself, Sereno explained.
The same industrial control systems Maiffret's team was able to commandeer also run electrical grids, pipelines, chemical plants and other infrastructure.
The next morning, they planned to commandeer a 12-seat airplane, fly it to Sweden and, once there, declare their purpose: to move to Israel, a dream they had long been denied.
The land of new take over for use, farmland is before commandeer, since the day that approves take over for use oneself royalities of pay town land begins when a year completely ;
新征用的土地,征用前是耕地的,自批准征用之日起满一年时开始缴纳城镇土地使用税; 征用前是非耕地的,自批准征用次月起开始缴纳城镇土地使用税。
So, salmon swim upstream to get to their spawning grounds, and lancet flukes commandeer a passing ant, crawl into its brain, and drive it up a blade of grass like an all-terrain vehicle.
If the proteins do not line up properly, Salmonella, as well as many other bacterial pathogens, cannot "inject" them into host cells to commandeer host cell functions, the lab has found.
If the proteins do not line up properly, Salmonella, as well as many other bacterial pathogens, cannot "inject" them into host cells to commandeer host cell functions, the lab has found.