Because the vaccine needs to closely match the pandemic virus, large-scale commercial production will not start until the new virus has emerged and a pandemic has been declared.
Showing the existing problems to the laboratory sample colour imitation and the large-scale commercial production, the author carried out an useful exploration and proposed concrete solving methods.
This agreement includes a collaborative research program to adapt UNSW's world-record holding PERL solar cell technology to suit large-scale commercial production.
Development of new production processes based on the microreactor technology will promote its application in commercial production, especially in small-scale production.
Some have led the international top. But they have few product to the large-scale production and commercial operation.
Bench scale test and commercial application test have verified that the tail oil from heavy AGO and light VGO hydrocracking is an excellent feedstock for ethylene production.
In the development of all kinds of renewable and new resources, the wind power generation has the great potential of scale production and the commercial development prospect.
It was shown by commercial scale tests and production practice that magnesia content in the concentrate can be reduced from about 10% to less than 7%.
In the United States, several companies are conducting research and medium-scale experiment on extracting oil from oil sand and no commercial production has started yet.
In the United States, several companies are conducting research and medium-scale experiment on extracting oil from oil sand and no commercial production has started yet.