The last named version of Delphi on the roadmap is Commodore.
Elizabeth: Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?
The Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.
Radio Shack and Commodore Business Machines also introduced PCs that year.
For Commodore items - can you advise what brand or who you developed them for so I can be familiar with the quality?
Mr Mara’s flight from Fiji is a further sign of the growing breach between Commodore Bainimarama and the Mara dynasty.
Commodore Leavy: Australia's position on this issue has been consistent and clear and is well known throughout the region.
Commodore Leavy: I have seen some of the Chinese media commentary, but I think these are extreme views within some sections of the Chinese media.
He spent two years in Japan more than 150 years before the United States forced Japan to open up to trade with the warship visit of Commodore Perry.
坎普福尔在日本呆了两年——而在他之后,又过了超过150年,美国海军准将 佩里 (Perry)率领舰队“造访”日本;在美国人的武力威胁之下,日本被迫开国,与其通商。
They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat.
After the visit of Commodore Matthew Perry, the country was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties, which, as in China, gave Western nations special privileges in Japan.
Commodore Leavy: the ANZUS Treaty is the key security agreement between Australia and the United States and allows both our countries to assist each other in times of conflict.
Commodore Leavy: To clarify, while Australia, the United States and Japan share common values and strategic interests, there is no trilateral defence alliance between our countries.
Yet, early on, he grasped two things that were far from obvious at the time, and he grasped them more clearly and pursued them more fiercely than his rivals did at Commodore, MITS or even Apple.
然而,早些时候,他抓住了两件不显的事情,他更清晰的抓住了他们以及比他的对手如Commodore,MITS oreven Apple更猛烈的追逐这两件事。
By now Vanderbilt, a steamboat captain defying jail, slashing fares and pushing his boilers ever harder to travel more speedily, was fast becoming the “commodore” of this anti-monopolistic vanguard.
I had experience in every defunct programming language out there and back in the early Commodore days, you really have to program something to use computers as they aren't that complex and functional.
I had experience in every defunct programming language out there and back in the early Commodore days, you really have to program something to use computers as they aren't that complex and functional.