It is common knowledge that Zhang Zoulin was murdered by the Japanese.
Because the basic component architecture and design patterns are common knowledge, it's fairly easy to find qualified talent to implement them.
It is a matter of common knowledge that he was somewhat hard of hearing, so he hardly ever gave me occasion to put him any question.
Not only will you learn something, you’ll also be able to relate to people better because you’ll share common knowledge.
Every time we do this, we are learning about what can be achieved and contributing to the common knowledge about open source grid computing.
It is also common knowledge that when Banks extend too much credit, depositors quite naturally get nervous and start withdrawing their money.
On the other hand, any company running within a certain country must abide by local laws and regulations. This is a basic requirement as well as common knowledge.
In Beijing, it is common knowledge among older residents that when the temperature exceeded 38 c, they did not have to work - though it rarely used to get that hot.
This is generally common knowledge, but as long as you're putting your body first, make sure you put your best work first too.
ANN ARBOR, mich.-it's common knowledge that newlyweds who yell or call each other names have a higher chance of getting divorced.
It is pretty common knowledge that when Christopher Columbus headed out he thought he was heading for the Far East by way of the west.
The study confirms what has become common knowledge: cellphones are almost ubiquitous on college campuses, with 99.8 percent of students owning one or more.
It is common knowledge that healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables contain certain nutrients that promote good health — namely antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are essential to the body.
Common knowledge suggests that landslides demolish and bury buildings and people.
Whatever the case, the fact that Thursdays and Fridays are the best days of the week for engagement isn't yet common knowledge among marketers.
It is common knowledge that tourists are willing to pay money to tour some of the architect's buildings, so it can be expected that tourists will want to visit this new building.
It's common knowledge that not everyone in the world formats their Numbers in the same way.
It is common knowledge that you can gain a lot of performance benefits by using database connection pools.
It is also common knowledge that milk containing deleterious organisms is an unsuitable article of food.
The rest argued from what Brandeis called "facts of common knowledge", drawn mainly from British and European health reports, that Oregon was simply protecting women's health.
It's common knowledge that in a desktop file manager application you can have a folder regardless of whether it is empty.
Under the prospect value framework we prove that speculators cannot form any trade if they share the common knowledge.
It's been common knowledge that Skype's investors have been looking for a buyer for some time.
It is a common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth.
In spite of claims to the contrary, it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended.
I is common knowledge that memory is a process of perception, storage and reproduction of any information.
I is common knowledge that memory is a process of perception, storage and reproduction of any information.