Making simple changes to your food diet can help remedy some of the common health problems.
In fact, bad backs are one of the most common health problems today, affecting people in all walks of life.
Three of the most common health problems that you may experience when traveling are jet lag, altitude sickness, and diarrhea.
In the long run, that can set the stage for an even more active life style and could be quite beneficial in avoiding some common health problems.
In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems such as lung infection or severe sour throat.
In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems, such as lung infection or severe sore throat.
Poverty and increased vulnerability to health problems are the common result.
At the same time, city living can be stressful, and studies have found that mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders, are more common in urbanites.
Although putting on weight may not be as common a problem as losing it, it still causes many people serious health problems.
Other oral health problems, although not as common, are also associated with having diabetes. Among them.
Some critics fear that beefing up treatment of the most common mental-health problems risks saddling the system with overwhelming costs.
Other oral health problems, although not as common, are also associated with having diabetes.
OBJECTIVE to explore the common chronic diseases among leprosy patients and to evaluate its main health problems and risk factors.
Results: reproductive health knowledge was inadequate and in great demand, and the relevant problems about reproductive health were common in female freshmen.
Depression is one of the leading problems of human mental imbalance and a common occur rence, which has an immeasurable negative impact on individual's physical and mental health, work and life.
Allergic rhinitis is one of Taiwan's most common and most serious health problems, and many sufferers of the condition seek remedies in traditional Chinese medicine.
The paper is to summary the character, recognition and treatment to common organic and functional mental health problems in general hospitals.
Results Although 22.4% of the samples have the psychological problems and a few of them are more severe, the status of leader's mental health is better than common people.
Results Although 22.4% of the samples have the psychological problems and a few of them are more severe, the status of leader's mental health is better than common people.