To my surprise, the twins have nothing in common.
When they married, he signed a prenuptial agreement (common in wealthy German families) agreeing that in the event of a divorce, he would get nothing from her.
In Finland, the schools have almost nothing in common with the pressure-cooker classrooms of Korea.
He will also be rejected if he isn't nice to people, doesn't appear to earn enough and if he has nothing in common with the woman.
In the UK, childhood Hib vaccination has seen Hib-caused meningitis (the more common Hib illness in the developed world) fall away to almost nothing.
When I look at my brother I see someone I have nothing in common with: he sees a half-assed writer who CARES only for esoteric matters.
She was a grave and silent little person with the disconcerting habit of holding your gaze unblinkingly, as if you had nothing in common.
It also gave them an interesting way to relate to each other since House was concerned that they had nothing in common.
Our deserts were of several kinds, but they had one thing in common: nothing grew there.
Thatcher seems to have nothing in common with the ayatollah and Deng, and even less with the Pope. Yet there was something that connected these seemingly disparate people.
Such extreme all-or-nothing outcomes are far less common in the vampire and wizard canons.
Two entirely separate islands, or worlds, might have different languages, and most likely have nothing in common.
Nothing inherent in the algorithm says that if the last node was numbered 19, the next one will be numbered 20, yet in most common cases that is indeed the case.
And he will also be rejected if he isn't nice to people, doesn't appear to earn enough and if he has nothing in common with the woman, according to the study.
You may discover that you have interests in common, or that they have an interest about which you know nothing.
You cannot compare it with other compact loudspeakers because they have nothing in common, apart from the size.
Although I've had the majority of my friendships since I was a teenager, there are times in life when people change enough as to have nothing in common anymore.
I asked him why he would want to leave me and the only thing he could say was that we have nothing in common except our daughter.
We were a bunch of Americans with nothing in common, except we wanted to learn to fly.
我们是一群特立独行的美国人, ,大家的共同目标是当一名飞行员。
In the end, Little One, if you stumble across a man like that, and he and I have nothing else in common, we will have the most important thing in common: you.
In the end, Little One, if you stumble across a man like that, and he and I have nothing else in common, we will have the most important thing in common: you.