A common object model normalizes (most importantly, in terms of taxonomy and semantic differences) multiple domain objects.
These provide a way to map object types in different repositories into a common object model in the VMM. These entity types are.
Because these filters comply with the Common Object Model (COM), they can be used by other applications after registration in the operation system.
The XOM document object model protects users from common mistakes in the use of XML, while offering good performance and memory-efficiency.
The XOM文档对象模型可以防止用户在使用XML时出现的常见错误,同时提供了良好的性能和高效的内存使用。
A more common (but also more involved) approach would be for the backing bean to expose model objects via properties and bind those model object properties to fields.
WebSphere InterChange Server provides a common business object model for business entities.
All rule projects most likely reference a common project that encapsulates the application Business Object Model (BOM), as shown in Figure 4.
所有规则项目都很可能引用一个封装应用程序BusinessObject Model (BOM)的公共项目,如图4所示。
A more expressive and reusable domain model can emerge when you transfer common object-oriented concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism to the database via a framework like Hibernate.
However, the mediation programming model provides a Service data Object (SDO) interface to all messages and a common API for accessing properties and metadata.
然而,中介程序模型提供一个所有消息的服务数据对象(Service Data Object,SDO)接口,以及访问这些不同种类消息属性和元数据的通用API。
Information integration is very important for advanced database applications, Object Deputy model can be used as common data model for information integration.
Public warehouse model (CWM) is the object management organizations (OMG) by a common data warehouse metadata standard, has been the major tool manufacturers for their support.
Object Services allows programmers to interact with the conceptual model through a set of common language runtime (CLR) classes.
Object Services allows programmers to interact with the conceptual model through a set of common language runtime (CLR) classes.