Mobile phones communicate by transmitting radio waves through a network of fixed antennas called base stations.
Twitter's inventor was inspired by how taxi drivers communicate over the radio, according to a Vanity Fairprofile on the man who created the social media phenomenon.
根据发明网络社交媒体服务的Vanity Fair,twitter创始人创建t witter的灵感是来自于出租车司机通过无线电广播之间的交流。
These sensors only need very few energies, pass the data by the relay way through the radio wave from a sensor to another, therefore they communicate with an extremely high efficiency.
Guests arrive by a 4-minute elevator ride, and can communicate with the surface via a special radio.
The jamming technology works by sending out a radio signal so powerful that phones are overwhelmed and cannot communicate with cell towers.
The jamming technology works by sending out a radio signal so powerful that phones are overwhelmed and cannot communicate with cell towers.