Mike is graduating from Concord Academy High School and Rowan Kabbalah Community College at the same time.
If you're a student considering community college, you'll know that your diploma will give you a leg up in the job market.
Julie Parks of Grand Rapids Community College points to another key to luring Millennials into manufacturing: a work/life balance.
"The gap is between the jobs that take no skills and those that require a lot of skill," says Rob Spohr, a business professor at Montcalm Community college.
“不需要技能的工作和需要大量技能的工作之间存在差距。”蒙特卡姆社区学院商学教授罗布 · 施波尔表示。
"The gap is between the jobs that take no skills and those that require a lot of skills," says Rob Spohr, a business professor at Montcalm Community College.
Will and Juan Carlos attended Borough of Manhattan Community College.
After taking some film classes at a community college, he dropped out of that as well.
But Loughner's bizarre behavior caused him to be ousted from a local community college.
Whitney graduated from high school and Scott did a year at community college in Brooklyn.
Now I'm hoping to go to a community college so I can improve my grades to reach this goal.
Many take classes at Berkshire Community College and have internships at local businesses.
After serving his sentence, Hess enrolled in a culinary arts program at South Seattle Community College.
Suzanne already has an associate's degree in elementary education from a community college in New Jersey.
Community college enrollment has been increasing at more than three times the rate of four-year colleges.
He helped me feel worthy and altered my life course by insisting that I enroll at Kaua 'i Community College.
On May 28, a month and a half after Michael's death, Kathy took placement tests at a local community college.
Take some classes: If you learn best in a classroom environment, head over to your local community college.
So, he went to this community college and got one of their library computers and he issued the press release there.
"Right now the hard truth is this, " Obama told an audience at Forsyth Technical Community College in North Carolina.
When a creative writing class at his community college was full, he enrolled in the only available course: psychology.
For instance, I certainly didn't know this: 9.4 percent of all college students attend community college in California.
In 1978, she realises she wants more from life. Age 68, she signs up for a tennis class at the nearest community college.
But much of the local economy is recession-proof. As well as the university, Santa Barbara has a large community college.
Jared Loughner withdrew from a local community college after being suspended last September because of fears about his behavior.
He attended art school briefly, then quit; after taking some film classes at a community college, he dropped out of that as well.
I owe my entire major, anthropology, to just that - a couple of conversations with the anthropology professor at my community college.
I was actually recently laid off of a position working at our local community college, helping dislocated workers get back and get retrained.
I was actually recently laid off of a position working at our local community college, helping dislocated workers get back and get retrained.