To improve maternal health, gaps in the capacity and quality of health systems and barriers to accessing health services must be identified and tackled at all levels, down to the community.
Thanks to extensive preparedness and support from the international community, even countries with very weak health systems were able to detect cases and report them promptly.
Green infrastructure incorporates natural systems that can help supply clean water, reduce polluted runoff, reduce sewer overflows, minimize flooding and enhance community health and safety.
Combining with several kinds of health insurance systems, this community health financing way has a bright future and gives a useful revelation to develop community health services in our country.
HL7: the health Level 7 (HL7 Edition 2006 v3) is a format for healthcare and is the interface standard for communication between various systems employed in the medical community.
HL7:HealthLevel 7 (HL7Edition 2006v3)是用于卫生保健的格式,是医疗机构中各种系统进行通信使用的接口标准。
Objective To settle the problems of management and service existing in community health service systems, and to provide the sound evidence for the future developing plans.
To construction a community health service network must have a high quality information system, what's more, information systems and business process reengineering are complementary to each other.
To construction a community health service network must have a high quality information system, what's more, information systems and business process reengineering are complementary to each other.