More likely, SOX is a convenient scapegoat for the bosses of public companies, who tend to get more money and less exposure to complaints about fat-cattery when their companies go private .
For law firms that do decide to go public, success will depend on their managers' ability to run them as public companies, rather than members-only gentlemen's clubs.
There is also evidence that only big companies like Google can afford to go public anymore.
Regulators tightly control which companies can go public and when shares can be sold, based on perceptions of what is good for the overall market.
Investment dropped most for older startups that are close to being ready to go public or be sold to larger companies.
And if and when the company does go public, the arrangement could bring about further headaches for cable companies who rely on paying subscribers, and thus the entertainment industry at large.
The world's largest company, Wal-Mart, was founded in 1962 and did not go public until a decade later; multi-million dollar companies such as Google and Facebook barely existed a decade ago.
The world's largest company, Wal-Mart, was founded in 1962 and did not go public until a decade later; multi-million dollar companies such as [gm99nd] and Facebook barely existed a decade ago.
当世最大的公司—沃尔玛成立于1962年,自成立后近十年才上市。而诸如[gm 66nd]和FACEBOOK这种资产数百万美元的公司十年前才刚见雏形。
These costs have led some small companies to go private, hardly a victory for public oversight, and some foreign firms to withdraw their stocks from American exchanges.
Companies looking to go public need to select their advisors and choose the market on which they want to be listed: NYSE Euronext or NYSE Alternext.
But as more companies that do the same thing go public, or the ones that are public sell more shares, the supply of available shares increases.
Other big companies rumored to go public in 2017 include Uber and Airbnb.
Some companies go even further by publishing their CSR reports to disclose their CSR performance and to voluntarily subject themselves to public scrutiny.
There's also a renewed interest in some of the first-generation portals that were among the first Chinese Internet companies to go public on Nasdaq during the days of the u.
For those companies that can not go public, many companies are forced to make extensive changes to their financial reporting structure, which while costly, ultimately benefits the investors.
For those companies that can not go public, many companies are forced to make extensive changes to their financial reporting structure, which while costly, ultimately benefits the investors.