"You don't need to carry 50 pounds of nickel, " one battery company man told me.
Within a few days of taking office he had become the most unpopular man in the company.
The electronics company Sony has announced the death of the man credited with developing the compact disc, Norio Ohga.
The reasons for Disney's success are quite a lot, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person—the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney.
Our "sandwich" was named after a man called Sandwich who invented it and "cello" was a name given by the company that first made the product.
Man, you really bouched up that project. Now the company will have to start all over costing double and missing all of our deadlines.
You know he’s a nice man, and like him, other operators in our company are also nice guys.
If a man, in the company of other men, actually began to talk about what he had done in bed the night before, including operational details, his companions would become speechless or leave.
The man was an engineer at a high-tech company with a salary good enough to afford him a motorbike and a laptop computer.
Thomas Watson turned IBM into a personality cult, complete with company songs about “our friend and guiding hand”, a man whose “courage none can stem”.
I would bet my bottom dollar that if this stern-looking man is a manager of a company, the company will hardly suffer a heavy loss, for he is a crafty boss.
The man from our local solar leasing company came to give a quote for our current home and was clearly taken aback when I mentioned that we had chosen geothermal for the house we’re renovating.
"More and more Chinese brands would like to get their products placed" in Hollywood films, said the head of the Chinese entertainment company behind getting Semir clothes into "Iron Man 2."
The man from our local solar leasing company came to give a quote for our current home and was clearly taken aback when I mentioned that we had chosen geothermal for the house we're renovating.
The company gave another man the promotion Bill expected. The boss just threw him a bone - sending him to head a branch office way out in Iowa.
One man described his long, uneventful career at an insurance company and concluded, “Wish my self-profile was more exciting, but it's a little late now.
If, for instance, the man at the front of the company cafeteria line seems to be holding up everyone else, you'll be tempted to make a snide remark to the person next to you.
The man from Share, the company that made her first loan, did not ask about her income, Ms. Shivamma said.
Andrew Garfield evokes an honest friend who is not the right man to be CFO of the company that took off without him, but deserves sympathy.
Once you've shown the CEO how his company is losing hundreds of thousands of man-hours because certain tasks aren't automated, he'll jump at your offer to automate them.
His ultimate ambition was to run a computer company just like his hero, Bilgay, the richest man in the world.
And the electronics company Sony has announced the death of the man credited with developing the compact disc, Norio Ohga.
When Scuderi questions him about it, Pad Man shoots him. He has the others in the Company activate their assets to retrieve Scylla.
When Scuderi questions him about it, Pad Man shoots him. He has the others in the Company activate their assets to retrieve Scylla.