Although the proportion of new cars in Donia's capital city has always been comparatively high, nitrogen dioxide emissions there have shown only an insignificant decline since 1993.
So the essay is of comparatively high theoretical and practical value.
Most people like to work in the west, mainly because wages are comparatively high.
Most PeoPle would like to work in the west, mainly because wages are comParatively high.
When I gave my firs class to you, I rejoiced that the overall level of your English was comparatively high!
The Urumqi river drainage basin is one of the regions where the use re-sources is comparatively high.
What's more, it detected comparatively high levels of the isotope deuterium in Venus' upper atmosphere.
CPU costs on mainframes have remained comparatively high, despite several initiatives by IBM to alleviate this fact.
Fault-simulating test on one transformer has revealed that it has comparatively high fault - detection sensitivity.
This makes it easy to understand how so many farmer-musicians Can have such comparatively high artistic attainments.
By utilizing the algorithm, the experiments made on CMU database have achieved comparatively high correction iden...
ResultsIn the HPLC analysis, Radix ophiopogonis decoction could lead to comparatively high background of chromatogram.
Given the still very strong population growth and the comparatively high potential growth, this deviation is not serious.
By utilizing the algorithm, the experiments made on CMU database have achieved comparatively high correction identification ratio.
Its new electrode material and formula provided low electric current and comparatively high voltage suitable for usage of the pager.
The pulp has a comparatively high resin content, since the acid cooking liquor dose not remove the resinous matter found in the wood.
When frequency is comparatively high, circular tunnel, rectangular tunnel and arched tunnel have same formulation of attenuation rate.
The detection mode is new and the accuracy of measurement is comparatively high, the new detection way is more feasible and practical.
Only after reaching a comparatively high level of both general and particular physical training can a sprinter create excellent results.
By utilizing the algorithm in the paper, the experiments made on CMU database achieve comparatively high correction identification ratio.
The machine has advantages of simple structure, lows cost and convenient operation. It also has comparatively high application and spread value.
The result shows that the specification of the gas holders of steel has comparatively high safety coefficient and can satisfy application demands.
It is known throughout China for its long operating history, large production capacity, good housekeeping and comparatively high level of mechanization.
Heritability of plant height, nodes on main stem, weight of 100 seeds is comparatively high, and the heritability of branch characters is also very high.
The researchers also found that Japanese-American women have comparatively high estrogen levels and the second highest breast cancer risk of the five groups.
The representational column "Telling the Truth" of "Television Talk Show" has got comparatively high audience rate and has been recognized by news theorists.
China's current academic research on green barriers is mainly concentrated in the areas of economics, and the legal research is not at a comparatively high level.
A long time descending of Russia economy finally turned in 1999 since its transformation, from that time it has been growing at a comparatively high rate for several years.
A long time descending of Russia economy finally turned in 1999 since its transformation, from that time it has been growing at a comparatively high rate for several years.