The bar has now been set. If you're not producing valuable and compelling content, you should be shutting down.
Official movie site for The Box. An immersive site through video transitions incorporating film footage and b-roll and compelling content.
官员负责盒电影网站。结合电影的片段,通过视频和B -辊和引人入胜的内容转换身临其境的现场。
Whether you "ve chosen a functional or combination resume, you need compelling content to convince hiring managers to give you a chance."
According to Nielsen, mobile video use isn't more prevalent due to lack of differentiating capabilities, high cost, and lack of compelling content.
"It wasn't the most compelling content," remembers Neil Budde, its founding editor and now general manager of news at Yahoo!, an Internet portal.
“那还不是最令人佩服的点子”NeilBudde回忆道,这位华尔街日报网站的开山编辑,现在是Yahoo !新闻部门的总经理。
The opportunity is there for a new entrant to come up with a compelling slice of on-demand content.
Yet publishers hope that tablets will turn out to be the 21st-century equivalent of the printed page, offering them compelling new ways to present their content and to charge for it.
A wide variety of approaches is available for scanning content in the hope of gleaning more compelling and deeper insights.
As well as driving traffic to the website, the STB has to ensure a depth of content that's relevant and compelling to users.
Hyperbole aside, cloud computing, real-time content, and advancements in browser speed and capabilities made the Web more compelling than ever before.
Duarte helps their clients clarify their content, differentiate their core message, and create the most compelling presentations on the planet. Duarte gets visual storytelling.
Creation of compelling headlines and content to engage site visitors.
Creation of compelling headlines and content to engage site visitors.