Activities must register with the controller (or more specifically a compensation manager component within the controller).
The manager listened to my complaints and suggested a free dinner as compensation.
Having a manager speak with the customer immediately may help minimize compensation beyond the specific loss.
Each witnessed a “manager” telling an employee about a compensation decision.
The manager listened to my complaints and suggested a free night's stay as compensation.
If the guest denies to have caused the damage and refuses to pay the compensation, guest Services Manager should try very best to explain and convince him to settle the charges.
The victim's family is demanding compensation; the boss demanded that he be fired immediately; She demanded to see the manager.
In this thesis, the main study aim is to advance a system for profession manager compensation combined with the reality on the basis of Proxy-Agency theories and psychological contract theories.
The researches on managerial compensation explore the role of manager in production and enrich the understanding of both incentives and organizations.
The article discusses proposals in three specific areas: the division of power within firms, manager compensation, and rules of succession of top positions.
At last, this paper puts forward some feasible measures to improve the customer manager compensation system and designs a more scientific, efficient salary system according to the empirical results.
The results show that the stock option compensation amount maximized the firm value are decreased in the manager' s overconfident level;
Monitors and reviews hotel benefits and compensation and recommends to the Human Resources Manager of the changes as appropriate.
Chapter 4: the mechanism of monitor and remedy for manager compensation, including information disclosure system and the derivative action of the shareholder.
Meanwhile, management effectiveness can be regard as a critical element in compensation incentive, related to top-manager salary.
If he doesn't trust the manager, he has enough money to sack me, to give me my compensation, send me home and bring another one in.
If he doesn't trust the manager, he has enough money to sack me, to give me my compensation, send me home and bring another one in.