They know the importance of keeping clients in a competitive market.
But as Lenovo takes aim at consumers, it is looking at a crowded, competitive market.
In a free and competitive market, firms profit by selling goods or services to willing customers.
In a fiercely competitive market, ZTE became the world's sixth-largest handset-maker last year.
He said that Beijing's real estate is a highly competitive market, consumers have great choice.
How much a zap of volts may cost is open to speculation until a competitive market exists for the service.
It can be anticipated: the near future, the real estate market should be a monopolistic competitive market.
Companies today need to keep up with the pace at which the competitive market demands new business capabilities.
I would maintain that a competitive market should be the economy's fundamental mechanism for allocating resources.
The printing and packaging industry is a very competitive market place and it is important to move with the industry.
This debate is loudest in America, uncoincidentally the developed market with the least competitive market in internet access.
But in a competitive market, even a differential of two or three to one would be enough to guarantee that you'd always be behind.
In deregulated North America, with a competitive market and plenty of shale gas to augment conventional supplies, prices are low.
The company's ambition may be impressive, but they could easily be bulldozed by the big players in this very competitive market.
If it succeeds, the software giant may be tempted to make more incursions into the competitive market for home-entertainment hardware.
如果Xbox 360畅销,这位软件巨头将进一步跻身家用娱乐硬件市场,参与竞争。
Imagine the competitive market for hearing AIDS and prosthetics, or the success rate of farmers who are free to use the best possible processes.
As technology has improved, these games have become more sophisticated — and have created a multi-billion dollar, highly-competitive market.
There's never been a more competitive market than the Internet, and every day the marginal cost of digital information comes closer to nothing.
The European Commission would like to see a competitive market in which people can choose their own sweeps, just as they choose builders or plumbers.
The move may help China Telecom, the smallest of China’s three telecommunications operators, gain a foothold with high-end 3G users in a competitive market.
The City lives on being a competitive market, he says; yet if jobs have been subsidized anywhere it is in banking, with billions of pounds poured into recapitalization.
如果为银行业内所有的工作都提供津贴补助,需要将几十亿英镑投入到资本结构的调整中去。 这样一来,对竞争市场的依赖性会更甚。
The scramble to open stores has made China a paradise for shoppers, but for shopkeepers it has become a brutally competitive market in which only the strong will survive.
Where a monopoly exists, the price of a product is likely to be higher than in a competitive market and the quantity sold less, generating monopoly profits for the seller.
Open source creates a real and competitive market for support services — supporting software is no longer a task limited to the one company that has access to the source code.
开源为支持服务创造了真实和充满竞争的市场 —支持软件不再是限于获得源代码的一家公司的任务。
Open source creates a real and competitive market for support services — supporting software is no longer a task limited to the one company that has access to the source code.
开源为支持服务创造了真实和充满竞争的市场 —支持软件不再是限于获得源代码的一家公司的任务。