The hotel provides delicious food and comfortable rooms, but still some customers complain about its service.
With so many people without food and water, it seems rather indulgent to complain about cold showers.
I complain about the time I spend organizing babysitting or paying bills, but I overlook the time my husband spends dealing with our car or food-shopping.
They may complain about scratchy shirt labels or sock seams and recoil from bright lights, harsh sounds, "bad" smells, or certain food textures.
Before you complain about the taste of your food-think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Additionally, people may have noticed that the taste of the food is different, possibly even worse than before, but don't know exactly why and therefore cannot complain about the change.
Or, they may complain about the food at a restaurant as a way of trying to display their high standards.
Fortunately, the new instruments will come into use in few weeks, we believe, at that moment, the customers will not maybe complain about the quality of food.
Fortunately, the new instruments will come into use in few weeks, we believe, at that moment, the customers will not maybe complain about the quality of food.