If customer decides to proceed with relevant application, customer is required to complete an application process.
Next, make sure you dress appropriately, are ready to complete an application, and are prepared for an on-the-spot interview.
You will have to complete an application for a new Permanent Resident Card. Follow the steps for How to apply for your Permanent Resident Card on this page.
Don't push for an interview on the spot, but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest, drop off your resume, and complete an application while you're there if possible.
Based on my experience in creating custom looks, I estimate that graphic artists take about two people two weeks to create a complete look for an application.
By taking such small, incremental steps, you can keep an application available for use almost without interruption, and eliminate the final application switch when the migration is complete.
Such restrictions are typically placed on sections of the application such as an interrupt handler, where the code responding to the interrupt must complete its work in a given time period.
An urgency to finish the project or fixes to the application in a hurry can cause developers to "cut corners" to complete the code quickly.
You can also import and export the complete configuration of an application or service as a plug-in to the server.
A hacker would just need to change of couple of bytes of code that detail how an application should behave after verification of its license is complete.
A complete solution includes an application, but it's an application that is integrated with the middleware components that enable the application to work in the customer's environment.
We define application utilization as the percentage of time allotted to an application in a given window of time continuously sliding over the application's complete run.
At the moment, the software exists as a computer application but the scientists plan to have it re-written, when complete, as an application for mobile phones.
Use the cluster workload rank attribute if you want puts (to queues where no instance of the queue has an active application) to complete and messages to be queued.
Japanese Yomi Auto Complete Library - to provide the AutoComplete feature in a text input field, an application must predict the word the user wants to enter based on those characters already typed.
日语yomi输入自动完成类库(Japanese Yomi Auto Complete Library)——为了在文字输入域中提供自动完成的功能,应用程序必须根据已经输入的文字预测用户想要输入的文字。
InfoSphere MDM Server is an enterprise application that helps companies gain control of business information by enabling them to manage and maintain a complete and accurate view of their master data.
An assembler takes the J2EE modules developed by a developer, and assembles them into a complete J2EE application. An assembler is responsible for the following.
For instance, an application might have a Web-based HTML front end for external customers, and a more complete Java application front end for internal users.
When using Hibernate, use the complete architecture when you do not have an application server; for example, you have a SWING application that interacts with a database.
To configure an application discovery for application Server in the TADDM console, complete the following steps.
This command notes how long it takes for an application to complete and also measures how long it spends in user space and in kernel space.
By the end of this section, you should have an application that looks like Figure 8, complete with remaining character count functionality.
But how to complete this task if you were given access to the source code and resources of an existing application, but not allowed to introduce any functional changes to the application?
To complete a task, an application often must take the user through a progressive series of screens.
Such an application must, however, take great care to ensure that it posts multiple overlapped sends, instead of waiting for one overlapped send to complete before posting another.
Given those keys, an application can run a query against the associated database to find the complete records that comprise the match.
The company intends to complete additional trials of the compound by mid-2011, and to submit an application for approval to the US Food and Drug Administration about six months later.
In order to apply for an open position, you must submit a Cover Letter & Resume, and complete an Online Application for each opening.
In order to apply for an open position, you must submit a Cover Letter & Resume, and complete an Online Application for each opening.