A conditional clause needs a main clause to make a complete sentence.
Differentiating words with double consonants in the context of a complete sentence.
How quickly can you click the words in the right order to make a complete sentence?
Sometimes, the second clause doesn't really look like a complete sentence, so you must watch closely.
Are all your subheadings sentence fragments (one word or short phrases), or are they complete sentences?
Thee shortest complete sentence in the English language consists of only one word and that is "Go".
With a strong hometown accent, I was so nervous that I could not utter even a single complete sentence.
Read the passage again then answer these questions. Write a complete sentence in answer to each question.
Sentence fragments happen by treating a dependent clause or other incomplete thought as a complete sentence.
If the omission begins after a complete sentence, retain the original period and then introduce the ellipsis.
Embedded clause: in a complete sentence, the incorporated, or subordinate clause is normally called an embedded clause.
In the cross language information retrieval, the query input is often a combination of keywords, not a complete sentence.
When you have two otherwise complete sentences that you want to connect to form one long sentence, use a semicolon between them.
Hua, 50, a property developer, recalled: 'His mother called me from Poland and she was so excited she couldn't speak a complete sentence and cried.
A run-onsentence is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses (that is, complete sentences) are joined with no punctuation or conjunction.
The names derive from the fact that, in this part of logic, our most basic or elementary unit is the complete sentence, such as "Jane is blond" or "Swan are graceful".
You may also use a semicolon to connect two otherwise complete sentences even if they are connected by a conjunction, if the first sentence already has one or more commas in it.
This is to let you remember, do not stack keywords in the title, should be clever to put keywords in a complete sentence, from this point of view, is also in line with the user experience.
Maybe I was still young, this is a dynamic, because I am still young, so I do not think you would have been old, you see that I really understand the complete sentence, do not forgive ah years.
A few of these are serial sentences prose, what Ron Silliman dubbed "the new sentence": a quick succession of complete sentences, juxtaposed one to the next, without logical connectives (paratactic).
其中有些是是由一系列句子组成的散文,让· 希里曼称之为“新句子”,即一连串的完整句子并置,全然没有逻辑上的(并列)连接词。
Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.
If I were to say the Sun rises in the…and then fail to complete the sentence, people will often claim to have heard the word "east".
After you complete this sentence, then review it and determine if you're on the path to achieving that success.
It can shrink when you need to be concise. One vivid sentence might do: "The favorite science project was a complete failure."
Well!' said Catherine, perceiving her hesitate to complete the sentence.
The highest level of learning English is when you can write and speak the most complete and authentic English using the simplest words and the simplest sentence structures.
Lead readers to all kinds of reading, readers to participate in this sentence, constantly supplement and complete.
Lead readers to all kinds of reading, readers to participate in this sentence, constantly supplement and complete.