Chinese Five Animal Exercises, also known as Wuqinxi, are the first complete set of qigong exercises following the movements of animals: monkeys, deer, birds, bears and tigers.
IzPack provides a complete set of sample installation scripts.
For the complete set of W3C OWL specifications, refer to Resources.
A complete set of tiles for Google Maps needs 22, 906, 492, 245 files.
GoogleMaps里一个完整的贴图集合需要22 906 492 245个文件。
For the complete set of W3C OWL class specifications, refer to Resources.
完整的W3COW l类规范,请参阅参考资料。
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes.
This demonstration VTI UDR shows only four of the complete set of purpose functions.
On the last day of the expedition Smith found a complete set of slender, inch-long toes.
After you've gathered the complete set of requirements, you can begin the process of deciding.
For the complete set of W3C RDF Schema data models and specifications, refer to Resources.
The trace buffer has not been set large enough to hold a complete set of relevant trace events.
The complete set of token assertion classes is described in the WS-SecurityPolicy specification.
Is your customer? S project budget big enough to cover the complete set of business requirements?
The ship is equipped with a complete set of radiolocation equipment, homing heads and locations stations.
A few of them had a complete set of original baby teeth, while others had gaps where teeth had fallen out.
Together, the static and dynamic models define the complete set of services in a service-oriented architecture.
To date, it has functioned as a complete set of weather calendar to guide the agricultural production in China.
After Zend_Paginator loads, Listing 6 performs an unbounded SELECT query to retrieve a complete set of YQL results.
加载Zend _ Paginator之后,清单6执行一个无限制的SELECT查询来检索完整的YQL结果集。
The full report of the Prague meeting, with a complete set recommendations, will be available in December 2003.
DBX in AIX provides a complete set of plug-in interface routines, which are used to extend the functionality of DBX.
For the complete set of CreateAction validators, refer to the code archive that accompanies this article (see Download).
The EAD4J toolset comes with a complete set of architecture documents and blueprints, as well as best practices and examples.
EAD4J 工具包带有一整套体系结构文档和蓝图,还有最佳实践和示例。
The complete set of class loaders make up a tree-structured hierarchy with different types of classes loaded at each level.
'Each jar contains 500kg of rice wine with a complete set of tiger bones,' saleswoman Miss Li tells us with a practised patter.
A complete set of services are provided out of the box to support all the functionality (and more) outlined in the sections above.
The following snippet of shell code creates a complete set of configuration files for the various resolutions you want to support.
This approach avoids the problem of needing to wait for a complete set of as-is artifacts before any change programs can be initiated.
This approach avoids the problem of needing to wait for a complete set of as-is artifacts before any change programs can be initiated.