In March 2010, Bilfinger Berger announced that the estimated completion date would be in 2014.
Definitions of success are written, lists of expected work products and outcomes are prepared, and project milestones and a completion date are defined.
And they formally launched a joint study for a trilateral free-trade agreement with a target completion date in 2012.
Angus Meek Architects was chosen as the winner, and the summer of 2010 was set as the target date for the project's completion.
In addition, it is estimated that the US has a further 3, 000 to 5, 000 warheads ready to be dismantled, with an estimated completion date of 2022.
此外,据估计美国还有3 000到5 000枚弹头准备拆卸,估计到2022年才能完成。
This means that task 3 can be delayed by 2 days without affecting the overall project completion date.
NOT SO long ago, prediction markets were being tipped as a fantastic new way to forecast everything from the completion date of a vital project to a firm’s annual sales.
Required date of completion for each learning goal: Every good plan also needs a good schedule, so therefore each learning goal must have a corresponding date of completion.
Our start and completion dates are wide open. I can move them to any date you like.
Completion date is when title (ownership) is transferred in the Land title Office to the buyer and when the seller receives the sale proceeds.
Estimated completion date: 2010.
Estimated completion date: 2019.
decided not to increase its $300 billion programme of buying Treasury debt with newly printed money, though it did push back the completion date and left open the option of future purchases.
The ToDo interface represents a single task on the task database on the mobile device. The important fields are Note or Summary, Priority, Completion Date, Due Date and whether completed.
ToDo接口表示移动设备上的Task数据库中的单个任务,重要的字段是NoteorSummary、Priority、Completion Date、Due Date和whethercompleted。
Ten days before the move if you are decorating new home yet, please make sure the completion date, you are advised to environmental ventilation for a week.
For example, management can specify a target completion date rather than allowing that date to be determined by the planning process.
The SPI, Which is used to forecast project completion date , is calculated by using which formula?
So it is a good idea that, as soon as you know the completion date for your move, that you start planning.
The excavation sequence and excavation method of the main carven system affect directly the completion date, quality, safety and cost of the project.
That suit was thrown out by Greece's highest court, and construction on the museum is continuing, though a new completion date remains uncertain.
That suit was thrown out by Greece's highest court, and construction on the museum is continuing, though a new completion date remains uncertain.