A complex number method for kinematic analysis of spatial four-bar linkage is discussed.
The error tracking correction technique of digital disperse complex number voltage measure.
The pattern solution of the plane motion of rigid body with complex number method is provided.
This Paper suggests a complex number method for solving quasi steady periodic heat conduction.
This example is a complex number that has a real component of 3.0 and an imaginary component of 1.2.
本例是一个实部为 3.0和虚部为 1.2 的复数。
These problems are demonstrated as having the same design procedures with complex number method.
The inner product between two state vectors is a complex number known as a probability amplitude.
The new complex number types (complex, complex64, and complex128) simplify certain mathematical operations. [spec, spec]
The concepts of stress complex number and strain complex number and inertia complex number are presented in this paper.
To solve circuit analysis is getting for solution of corresponding real number or complex number linear equation group.
Notice that you can access the different parts of the complex number by using the real and imag attributes of the complex object.
To database watch, be about to decide watch name is to use complex number or odd number form at the beginning from the project.
By using variables separation in the complex number field, the real analytical solution in the form of Fourier series was obtained.
Based on a case study of the Watt linkage, the bifurcation equation with Angle variables has been established in complex number field.
In this paper, the concepts of fuzzy complex set and fuzzy complex number are introduced and their fundamental properties are discussed.
If the first parameter is a string, it will be interpreted as a complex number and the function must be called without a second parameter.
The paper proved the Hamilton-Cayley theorem in complex number space, and indicated the all matrix root of the sign multinomial of matrix A.
Design the fast calculation of modulus of 16 bit fix-point complex number and time logic of pulse compression system based on FPGA (EP1K100QC208).
基于FPGA (EP1K100 QC 208)的16位定点复数的快速求模设计及系统时序和控制逻辑设计。
This paper, by examples, introduces the application of triple root in the calculation and proof of complex number, and exact division in multinomial.
Finally we extend the Fresnel number to the region of complex number, and use it to investigate the diffraction problem of a truncated Gaussian beam.
With the help of complex number operation, the author has developed a method for designing the contour of a CAM whose follower keeps a general plane motion.
In fact, it can generally be a complex number with both a "real" part that's an ordinary number and an "imaginary" part that's multiplied by the square root of one.
This article has dealt vrith the relationships between complex number and triangle, geometry, inequality and binomial and their applications in related exercises.
We first extend the concept of ordinary number system, and study the complex number numeration. Then we give an example of fractal by the complex number numeration.
Furthermore, we make some improvements on the method of super complex number space transformation, and bring forth a unitary color difference edge detection method.
Based on the number set, a new commutative semi-group is established in the integer number and extended in number fields of rational number, real number and the complex number.
Complex number method for plane stress analysis and plane strain analysis is proposed by means of introducing the concepts of stress complex number and strain complex number in this paper.
Increasing the yield limit of high strength steel, and increasing the depth of submergence, the form of the differential equation's result will not only be limited with the complex number.
The eight-vecter algebra is found in the paper, as a kind of square matrix algebra and as more complete operation system containing the complex number vecter algebra and quaternion numbers.
The eight-vecter algebra is found in the paper, as a kind of square matrix algebra and as more complete operation system containing the complex number vecter algebra and quaternion numbers.