sounds like oxymoron 'cos it's complex. It's a simple and complex question at the same time.
The appraisal of competitive power of dining enterprise's supplying chain is a complex question.
For a more complex question, you have to join multiple tables, but normalization allows you to do that in complex ways.
So, the catchword and action process of face-to-China, is an complex question needs rethink and answer constantly.
Divide complex questions. If a questioner hits you with a multifaceted question, split it into components before answering it.
You can't get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. And how you do that is a complex question.
You can't get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. And how you do that - is a complex question.
You can't get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. And how you do that ? is a complex question.
It is a very complex question to cope with cochannel interference and fading simultaneously at a base station in mobile communication.
Stopping maneuver which must be in whole control by shipmen is an complex question in ship handling and can be of real significance in practice.
Leaving aside the vast and complex question of the US military presence, why this need to replicate their culture and specifically their food culture?
The organization optimal is in the organization design the richest creativity, the richest vigor stage, but also is the extremely complex question.
A more complex question is whether companies that not in specialised niches can raise more listing their shares in the American markets than they would elsewhere.
To evaluate the layout scheme of military communications network effectiveness, which is related to so many incomplete and vague factors, is a complex question.
Drilling hole slanting question is a quite complex question in the drilling technology. Hole curving is a difficult technical problem and a formidable matter regarding us which is urgent to solve.
To evaluate the military information system security effectiveness, which is related to so many factors, is a complex question, in which the information about specification is incomplete and vague.
As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally arises: Who will be responsible when they do something wrong?
Of course, figuring out how to stop all this food waste is a complex policy question and beyond the scope of this particular study.
Where this intelligence comes from raises a fundamental question in nature: How do the simple actions of individuals add up to the complex behavior of a group?
With the passage of time the question that confronts this boy and other members of his generation is as complex as to be or not to be.
The question whether the demos can and should be relied upon to make the right decisions in very complex and dangerous situations is still an intriguing one.
It is here, though, that a common question is asked: How do you write the query expression to get the correct node from an arbitrarily complex DOM?
In order to answer that question, Lewison is studying the complex interactions between fishers, Marine species, and the ocean landscape.
How you construct models for elements is just as important, complex, and potentially difficult a design question as how you construct the columns and tables that comprise a relational database.
We can start having complex expressions, you can imagine we can have things are lots of parens, and all sorts of things in it. Yes, question.
To begin with, that any glib answer to the question misses the core of the experience – the complex dialectic of being ill, which is a social as well as physical condition.
In the process we will discover that getting results is easy. Determining if the results have answered our question asked is a much more complex task.
Over the last several years, we've been particularly taken with the question of how kids learn a small, but telling piece of that vast complex: color words.
Meeting Jews for the first time challenged everything I believed; now I use that as a framework to help people question what they think and see how complex the 'other' actually is.
But for many in the Wall Street-Hedge Fund Industrial Complex, this year the question is likely to be: how little.