Far worse, from their point of view, is the indifference or contempt of the young for a rich, complex, ancient art of colour and form that goes back 500 years and takes a lifetime to master.
This is evidence, the researchers believe, that young chimps have a photographic memory which allows them to memorise a complex scene or pattern at a glance.
Their attackers lived in the village of Raispur, less than a mile from the tidy complex where the young man shared an apartment with his parents, but they belong to an altogether different India.
LAUNCH: When you started playing such ambitious, complex music at such a young age, did you ever feel like you didn't fit in, like you should be more into simple pop music like other kids?
A researcher is much more likely to be a savvy user who will understand a complex display of search results, as opposed to an encyclopedia user, who may be a young child.
There are too many young Susan complex philosophy, she followed in kind will also tell those in need, can be sharp when the language of mockery when the moment only grow.
These films forgo the themes typically associated with young people - treacly romance, everlasting friendship-in favor of more complex meditations on life.
The young Earth could have also received more complex molecules with enzymatic functions, molecules that were prebiotic but part of a system that was already well on its way to biology.
Two greeting pines with twining roots and complex knags are waving to welcome your coming. May you live a long life and be young forever, like the pines.
You may, like many people can not understand how I experiencing such a long lonely journey, from my point of view but also looks like a young appearance, does not show the complex mark.
Young analyzed the complex relationships among pricing, profitability, and distribution channels.
At the same time, a younger generation of bright young Chinese are planning their career paths, facing choices which are simultaneously more numerous, more complex, and more confusing.
Without oak handling this wine is a unique regional varietal that may be enjoyed young and fresh or it can be cellared for many years, producing a complex masterpiece.
As a special population, the elderly in the face of increasingly complex functional intelligence products encountered more obstacles than young men.
The move to Carrington has been a major factor in helping United develop young talent and provide first-class facilities for all the staff with more enhancements of the complex planned.
Our red combines several different vintages of wine in order to create a blend that marries ripe, young intense fruit flavors with more mellow, complex flavors.
Adolescent acne found in young men and women, the causes of complex, easy to relapse, damage tolerance Obviously, there is no effective therapy.
Located in a 30 year old apartment complex, Nagi is a renovated living space for a young married couple and child.
Located in a 30 year old apartment complex, Nagi is a renovated living space for a young married couple and child.